A good friend was once a stranger

​Lately, I have been interested in Malcolm Gladwell's books. Anyone with an entrepreneurial spirit or fascination with humanity should pick up a copy. He really makes you think about life and how and why events happen. For me, I am fascinated with his research on success and how ideas come to fruition. If you approach something blindly and refuse to seek help, then I wouldn't count on getting anywhere. For the stubborn people of the world, it is hard to come to terms with the fact that you cannot do something alone. Those who stop and ask for directions will most likely arrive at the destination faster than those who do not. It does not make you look like a failure; rather, you are the one savvy enough to make use of a resource. 

Another interesting topic Gladwell touches on, is friendships and networking. He said that those outgoing individuals who tend to know everyone, are the connectors of the world. They approach meeting people with an honest intention; they simply enjoy others. He said you can point out the connectors in your life by thinking about your friends and how you know them. Who introduced you? I definitely realize who the connectors are in my life but I also realize that half of my friends were, situationally, discovered by me. With that said, I have the most eclectic group of friends imaginable. They are so spread out in location, age, and personality. Now more than ever, my old soul is apparent. 

Take a moment to think about your friends and how they came to you. It is easy to take them for granted but we also need to make sure we celebrate them. Celebrating friends does not seem like as much of a priority in our 20's. Most people feel like friends are still a dime a dozen. I have always known this not to be true. I know that what separates a connector from a collector is how valuable their relationships are. Connectors genuinely want to know people, whereas collectors just want to feel popular.

Hope this was some valuable food for thought and glimpse into my world. If this hasn't sold you on his books I don't know what will! XO​

If the shoe doesn't fit, don't force it

​Would Cinderella have ever found Prince Charming if her step-sister managed to successfully force the glass slipper on? I would like to think so, but there is definitely a reason for why we don't pursue something that doesn't fit. Why do we feel compelled to force the most important things in life? Relationships, careers, friendships - these are all things that we should consider our priorities. When shoes don't fit, we accept it and find an alternative that does work. Why don't we apply the same rationale to our lives?  

​If I didn't follow my gut, I would not be where I am today - blogging to you. I try so hard to listen to the inner voice who knows when I feel out of place. It is not an easy judgement call because there are two types of discomfort. There is the true discomfort when you feel a clash of personalities or skills, and then there is the mental discomfort best compared to the muscle pains the day after a hard workout. You are pushed out of your comfort zone and have to really work for something great. While this is a pain, you know there is good to come and you can reasonably forecast it. Nothing worth pursing is easy; it should just be rewarding.

​In one of my many moments of distress, I talked with my oldest brother. He told me to consider my life as a stock portfolio. There are going to be many peaks and great moments but there will also be quite a few low points. He said you have to just get through these low points knowing it will spike back up shortly after. I like this analogy a lot and it helps to think of life in such simple, visual terms. I hope it helps you too! Continue to count your blessings and celebrate every achievement, big or small! XO


The architectural details of Brooklyn certainly do not disappoint! I have seen some beautiful designs this past week on my long walks around the city. It appears I don't need to be in Europe after all in order to find inspiration...bummer (there go my write offs)! At least it is a cheaper and more convenient alternative. 

​I wish I knew the stories of these iron fences, gates, and doors. Perhaps it would offer more inspiration to know where those architects found theirs? I suppose, like people watching, I could use my imagination and come up with some exciting stories. For starters, I am sure this was an entrance way for something more exciting than deliveries at one point. 

I am sharing this image with you, because it will debut itself in one of my upcoming designs. I am very excited to have it ready for you all! In the meantime, I will keep you on your toes - dreaming up all of the possibilities​! Enjoy your relaxing, early fall Sunday and stay tuned for more. XO



What is the right answer? This is the million dollar question I have been asking myself constantly. There is so much weight on every decision I have been making lately and it is exhausting! As a kid, you think that adults have the answer to everything...definitely not true. How convenient it was to have someone else make all of the choices for us!

Making our own decisions is one of the most rewarding yet taxing gifts in life. You put all of your trust in the way your parents guided you and the years of education you endured. It is unsettling, and many people avoid these tough decisions at all costs. It is those people who avoid change who I feel sorry for.

​A couple of months ago, I was sitting with a friend discussing life. As we were hashing out our options, I thought of a suitable analogy to our life's map. I compared our lives to a GPS gone haywire - perpetually "recalculating." But each time we "recalculate," we grow. I trust my half-full glass and know that life will work out. We have to believe in the choices we have made and stand behind them. Regret is the biggest waste of energy and will not do us any favors! XO

Innovation is the name of the game

With a studio full of supplies, it is hard to be bored. "Arm parties" are the latest trending force in fashion and while we at Becca Laws want to always remain current, we still want to be unique. What would we do without a constant source of fresh ideas? Cheers to the innovators of the world who tried and failed time and time again only to bring the world a masterpiece, like Walt Disney. If it was not hard, success would mean nothing. 

Anyways, there is nothing more exciting than seeing all of the fun ways people embrace their style. I for one, love interchangeable pieces because you can never tire of them! Here is a simple way to wear our charm on your wrist! XO


Out with the new, in with the old

There is only one piece on here that isn't vintage. Any guesses?? ​I am pleased to have my inspiration piece (far left) linked up with my design. It is a good feeling to know I was able to successfully channel the vintage "charm" I was aiming for. And I have to say, having my favorite roommate back in my life again is definitely a good thing. I owe her a shout out for the vintage chain and crystal, which definitely make the look! This long, roped chain gives a new life to the pieces. I challenge you all to dig through old family jewelry and pair a special piece with your modern charm. Vintage is the new trend! XO


They are everywhere...

These days, I am always aware of my surroundings and the letter "D" from my Kaleidoscope Collection is all over the place! Aimlessly walking has become a favorite past time because you never know when and where inspiration will strike. If the letter "D" is so apparent, who knows what else is waiting to be discovered! It is a lot like car shopping, once you are aware of a specific car, you start to see it everywhere. It is bizarre how you can look at something 50 times and not be inspired until the 51st glance. Take a day to absorb your surroundings - you will be amazed with what you discover! XO
